Share Six | Pets

“Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet.” -Colette

Growing up, we never had indoor pets as my dad had allergies to most pets. We did have a few outdoor pets though.

For a while we had bunnies. My rabbit was white and I named him Snowball. Ok, not a very original name, but I was young. We lived right by a main road as well as the interstate. Our tiny neighborhood was a prime spot for people to drop off their unwanted pets, especially cats. So we ended up feeding those cats and they became our outdoor pets.

Fast forward several years and I fell in love with my in-laws’ dog. So one day I took the kids to the shelter and we fell in love with this little poodle mix – Sammy. We ended up adopting him and he is a member of our family. I never knew how much I could love a dog.

My other images are of my in-laws’ dogs Molly and Tanner as well as our goldendoodle Baymax. These dogs work their way into your heart. They love you unconditionally and always greet you with a wagging tail. They truly enrich our lives!

Head on over to Lynne’s blog by clicking HERE! Her images are simply amazing! Then continue on through the blog circle to see all of our contributors’ interpretations on this month’s theme!