
I recently joined a group of talented photographers who have a monthly challenge based on a theme.  This month’s theme is “Books”.  It only seemed fitting to do my take on the theme at our local library with my daughter.  She absolutely LOVES reading and begs to stop at the library every time we drive by.  It’s actually quite interesting to watch her at the library because she is always on a mission.  She knows what books she wants and if she can’t find them she goes straight to the computers to look them up, and if that fails she finds a librarian and asks him/her.  Her independence at the library just amazes me.

I also love her excitement about the books.  She always insists on checking out at least a dozen books every time we are there.   She’ll have her arms loaded full of books, eager to get home to read them.

So here is my take on this month’s theme ~ “Books”!


Longer days!!

How’s everyone handling the time change?  I have to say that I am loving it because it means longer days and the coming of spring.

I’ll leave you with a picture.  It’s not a very springy picture, but let’s just say it’s a picture signifying the end of winter (which is hopefully soon).  🙂


Winter Doldrums

I know everyone is longing for spring especially after this big dumping of snow that we just got, but I’m one of the few that absolutely love the snow. I happen to think that it is gorgeous! I also think it makes a gorgeous backdrop for pictures. Not a lot of clients want to have an outdoor session during the winter, but I urge you to give it a try sometime.

Here’s a picture of my daughter. Does this change your mind about outdoor pictures during the winter? 🙂


Tomorrow I’ll be posting a special we will be having!

Thanks for stopping by!!


Big Things are Happening

Welcome Cobert Photography fans!!  We’ve made a lot of changes to our business lately and we have some more announcements to make over the next year.  We will be introducing some new things so you’ll want to stay tuned.  I’ve created this blog to keep in touch with you guys on these new announcements and to also give you a little look into who we are.  I’ll be sharing announcements, pictures from sessions, and a little bit of some of my personal projects I’ll be working on.  I hope you all will stick around and get to know us better.  I hope to learn more about you all too through your comments.  I’d love to hear your input on all that’s going on!!  Thanks so much!!
