Share Six | Imperfection

When I first saw what this month’s theme was, I immediately wondered if I could do six pictures of myself. If you looked up the word imperfection in the dictionary, there would be a picture of me right there. Now don’t interpret this the wrong way, as if I’m saying some sort of self loathing statement. No, instead it’s more of a self realization type of statement.

You see, I’m an OCD, SPD, introverted, perfectionistic people pleaser. I always have been and probably always will be. Now, I was never diagnosed with OCD or SPD, but if I were growing up today, I most definitely would have been diagnosed with those disorders. I know I have them. I always knew I was different. I knew that I struggled with certain things. I needed rules, structure, order, schedules, etc. If something upset the order, or if people didn’t follow the rules, I felt unsettled. Clothing had to feel just right or I couldn’t wear it. Certain noises drove me absolutely insane.

Being a perfectionistic rule follower, I was often called a goody two shoes. I even had people tell me I was perfect. What’s funny is that they couldn’t see how terribly imperfect I actually was. They couldn’t see how much internal turmoil I was, and still am, going through.

You see, when you have OCD, SPD and are perfectionistic, you need to feel in control of your world. Try being in control of your world once you get married. Try being in control of your world once you have kids. Try having everything perfect when you are trying to be a wife and mother. It just doesn’t happen. I mean, my goodness, try being in control just in general. You can’t control other people. You are ALWAYS at the mercy of other people and just circumstances in general. The only thing you can honestly control is yourself…your attitude, how you respond to the circumstances around you. For so long, I have tried to control everything. Some things I have been decently successful with, others I have most definitely not.

The older you get and the longer you deal with the OCD, SPD and perfectionism, the more you realize how imperfect you really are. I mean, I never thought I was perfect, but I definitely tried to do everything right. I tried to follow the rules to a T. I tried to do everything to the absolute best of my ability. I tried to please everyone. You can only achieve those expectations of yourself for so long. At some point it all comes crumbling down, and it’s absolutely devastating. You see, while all along you knew you weren’t perfect and you honestly didn’t necessarily need to be absolutely perfect, the comments other people made just fed the OCD. People telling me I did something perfectly, only reinforced my internal struggle with feeling I needed to do things perfectly. The inner voice in my head said, “If you don’t do this perfectly, you’re a failure.”

You know what those expectations lead to though? They lead to complete paralyzation and utter insanity. I remember watching the first episode of Hoarders. I don’t quite remember why, but I decided to watch it. The narrator started out with saying that people would be shocked to know that the majority of hoarders are actually perfectionists. You see, at some point, they become paralyzed because if they can’t complete the tasks to their standard (which is perfect[ly]), they don’t even do them. Yikes!! That scared me, but I totally understood what they were saying. I could totally see myself getting to that point. It honestly made complete sense. I have so many unfinished projects because I get scared that I won’t be able to complete them to the standard of quality that I would like, so I just shut down.

So, now that I’ve pretty much written a novel, I’ll try to sum this up. Each month I agonize over what pictures I want to do for the theme. I agonize because I want to do them to the standard that I think I should do them, but I’m afraid I will fall short. So I put them off while I brainstorm. Then it gets to the point where I have just days or hours to complete my pictures and post and I’m completely overwhelmed. Well, wouldn’t you know, that’s what I did this month. I have no clue what to do for my pictures. I could take pictures of my imperfect self, but I’m not sure what variety I can show in 6 pictures. Maybe I should stretch myself and tap into the inner artist that should lie somewhere inside myself and figure out some creative way to photograph what I have just written a novel about, but alas, as I said, I procrastinated and my creative juices are quite low right now.

So I will leave you with some pictures I have taken in the past…pictures where things didn’t turn out quite like I planned, but they are imperfectly perfect. After all, our imperfections are what make us unique. Often times, when things don’t go perfectly like we planned, those imperfections are what make the memory that much more unique.

So I will continue to fight my perfectionistic tendencies and embrace the imperfection. I will definitely fail at times, but that’s ok.

This first image is of our imperfect house. While I crave order and perfection, my entryway has been laden with shoes, boots, skates, sticks, rocks, a skateboard and many other things for years now (also notice the dirt and scuff marks on the bottom of the screen door). It drives me nuts, but I try to remind myself that one day it will be perfectly clean and I’ll wish it wasn’t. Because that means my precious kids no longer live in this four walls.

My next image is of my son and me. We had taken a bike ride to the gas station to get a Reese’s to split. We wanted a picture to remember that moment. My phone case was scratched and dusty, so the image is hazy, but it’s imperfectly perfect. (Here’s another prime example of using the camera you have on you. Better to capture the moment than to be too worried about the quality of the image.)

My third image is of my kids lying under the Christmas tree. My son’s face is completely out of focus, but I still love this image and how it captured their precious little faces.

This fourth image is of my son. Let me tell you, underwater photography isn’t easy. I was trying to get a cute shot of him and he reached up to wave at me at that very moment. Once again though, it’s imperfectly perfect. I love his little pursed lips and puffed cheeks!

These last two are from a little Christmas session I did with the kids. I was trying to get some nice pictures of the two of them, both to frame and to give to the grandparents. The kids were being ridiculously silly. At first I was frustrated, but then I decided to roll with it. Quite frankly, these images captured my kids’ personalities better than any perfectly posed picture every would have.

So, to sum things up…don’t be like me. Don’t let your obsession with perfection, or your fear of failure paralyze you. Don’t let it keep you from enjoying the best things in life, which are the imperfect things.

Thanks so much for stopping by!! Head on over to Elizabeth’s blog, by clicking HERE, to see her take on this month’s theme. Be sure to make your entire way around the blog circle as you won’t want to miss all of our contributors’ images. Also, be sure to share your images to our social media pages!!

Share Six | Morning

This month’s theme is morning. I’m not sure what I was thinking in choosing this theme as mornings have been pretty rough for me lately. My motivation in the morning is quite low these days. I used to be a morning person, and I do believe I still am, that is, if I could ever get a good night’s sleep.

For my pictures I tried to capture the things that are a part of my mornings. I love getting outside first thing in the morning, whether it be for a walk or for a bike ride. Winter gets tough though as snow and ice cover the side walks and things get slippery. With the weather finally warming up though, I have started to resume my morning walks.

I love being outside to enjoy the first golden rays of the sun setting the tree tops ablaze, and casting long shadows of anything that stands in their path. The birds have woken up and begun to chatter. The geese signal spring’s coming with their incessant honking. Their splash landings on our pond echo across the glassy water, while the sun’s rays peek through the trees.

We have a pond and woods behind our house. These things make for lots of wildlife. Many mornings I am blessed with seeing a deer or a family of raccoons while on my walk. The sights and sounds are incredibly serene. I can’t help but be thankful for life and invigorated for the day which has begun.

That is, until my goofy dogs see something they need to chase and they lunge forward yanking my arm. Thankfully that doesn’t happen too much though.

Here are my images for the theme, I tried to capture the things I have mentioned above.

I’ve always been told I have long legs, the morning light makes them look like stilts. LOL

These last two pictures were taken with my phone. As the saying goes, and as I’ve told my photography students – the best camera is the one you have with you. My morning walk is not only a workout/exercise (I speed walk and my average heart rate is 156BPM), it’s my time to just think and enjoy the quiet. These may not be the best quality pictures, but I love them and they will serve to remind me of a moment in time. They also show real life. The last one is especially blurry as I was trying to take a picture with the hand that was holding the leash. You can see in the shadow, that my other hand is holding a bag of dog poop. Nothing wakes you up in the morning quite like the smell of dog poop. LOL

Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed my interpretation! Click HERE to head on over to Sharleen’s blog to see her lovely images!

Share Six | Macro

So January’s theme is macro. When I think of macro images, I think of flowers, bugs, plants, etc….all things that are outdoors.

Well, it’s freezing and in the twenties here where I live. Quite honestly I didn’t feel like going outside to get any pictures, but I’m so glad I did. I haven’t done macro pictures in quite a while, and I forgot how fascinating plants are close up. I learn something new all of the time. Like I didn’t realize that up close, moss looks a lot like yarn.

Thanks so much for stopping by! As usual, I hope you enjoyed my images. Head on over to Janet Douglas’ blog by clicking HERE. You won’t want to miss her amazing images!!

Share Six | Light

This month’s theme over at Share Six is Light. Photography is all about light. When you break down the word, the Greek prefix photo- means “light”, and the suffix -graphy meaning “process of writing or recording”. So when we practice photography we are recording light.

Every setting we choose on our camera comes back to light and how we want the camera to record it. This is what makes photography so fun. It’s where we can really use our creativity to create art.

Often, photographers will choose to specialize in a specific style of lighting. Many photographers strictly use natural light, and others strictly use studio (artificial) light, and still others will use a mixture of both. I know of many photographers who are strictly natural light photographers and will only photograph during the golden hour (about an hour before sunset), to be sure that all of their pictures look cohesive. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with any of these styles. I love that you can tell what photographer took a picture simply by it’s style. And yet, I don’t do that myself. When I first started photography I told myself I was going to be strictly a natural light photographer. Then I started seeing the creative things you could do with artificial light. So now I use all of the different methods. As a portrait photographer, I try to work around my clients schedules. So that means I can’t always photograph my clients at the same time of day with the same type of lighting. So I tailor my settings to what time of day it is, what kind of mood we are trying to convey, etc.

These first two images are ones in which I used a combination of natural light and off camera flash. My goal with this first one was to capture the light from the sky bridge in the background (the natural/available light). I had to use off camera flash though to light my subjects and the fountain. I used three off camera flashes – one on my subjects and one on each side of the fountain. The whole fountain area was pitch black, so off camera flash was necessary.

This next picture was taken while we were on vacation. I wanted to capture the beautiful sky, but also get the kids. The fire light wasn’t giving off enough light, so I used off camera flash to light them. I also placed another flash pointed at the kayaks to give them a pop of light as well.

These next images are photographed with the available natural lighting of the location.

These last two are also just the natural lighting of the setting. I thought they were especially fitting for this theme as Advent and Christmas are all about the coming of Jesus, the LIGHT of the world, to live in the flesh among us.

Well thanks so much for stopping by to see my interpretation of this month’s theme! Head on over to Sharleen’s blog to see her take on the theme by clicking HERE.

Share Six | Portraits

This month’s theme is Portraits. Each month, no each day, I keep telling myself I’m going to get my act together and make time to accomplish certain things….one of them being setting aside time to really focus on our Share Six theme and stretch my skills. Well, in typical fashion, life happened. Other things came up to which I couldn’t say no. (Ok, obviously could, but I am definitely not good at telling people no.) In my defense, my computer completely bit the dust, so that has put a wrench in things. So here I am, once again scrambling to finish my Share Six post.

I have pulled pictures from previous sessions instead of going out and taking new portraits specifically for this post.

This first one is of my lovely daughter.

This next one is from a family session I did a few years ago.

This one is of my second daughter (my daughter’s good friend who also is our next door neighbor).

This spunky girl is my niece.

And this last one is of a sweet young lady from our church. I babysat her when she was real little, and I had the privilege of doing her senior portraits.

Thanks so much for stopping by!! Head on over to Michele’s blog to see her lovely images!!

Share Six | Pink

This month’s theme for Share Six is Pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month. This theme hits close to home for me as my mom had breast cancer when I was 5.

I don’t remember a whole lot, but I do remember being scared. As well as I have one specific memory that has stuck in my mind. We were at the hospital in the lobby and my aunt was there as well. They wouldn’t let me go see my mom, and I was not happy. I remember being quite upset as I missed my mom terribly, and I was worried something was going to happen to her and I wasn’t going to be able to say goodbye. The thought of losing her terrified me. She was my world and I needed her.

Thankfully the type of breast cancer my mom had was a slow growing cancer. We can be especially thankful for that as they had seen the mass on her two previous mammograms, but they brushed it off saying it was nothing.

Throughout the journey my mom took comfort in her faith in God. She read her bible most fervently. (Which is why I chose to do this image.) She knew that God was in control no matter the outcome.

31 years later and my mother is still here with us by the grace of God. My life could have been so much different, but I praise God that He has blessed me with all of these wonderful years with my mother. I love her so much and I still need her just as much as I did when I was 5.

Please ladies, check yourselves. Be diligent. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but I’ll say it again. Cancer is so much easier to treat if you can catch it early. Also, please don’t think you’re too young. My mother was 39 when she was finally diagnosed, so she was 37 when it was first seen on her mammogram. I also had a co-worker die at the age of 29 from breast cancer. So if you don’t know, cancer doesn’t discriminate by age. Please please please be diligent and check yourself.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Head on over to Michele’s blog by clicking here. She is super talented! And be sure to make your way around the entire blog circle.

Share Six | Gold 2019

It’s so hard to believe it’s September already! I blinked and summer is over. Now we’re in a whirlwind of school, choir, drama club, homecoming, weddings, photo sessions, and the list goes on. I almost sat this month out until I was driving home and noticed a golden patch of flowers at the one end of our neighborhood. I figured I could find a few minutes to get out and get some pictures.

This month’s theme is gold for the Gold Project. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month, so for all of September we’ve decided to team up and join forces with @thegoldhopeproject to help spread awareness!!
For those of you that don’t know, The Gold Hope Project is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization of photographers who aim to provide free portrait sessions to families battling pediatric cancer. As photographers, we understand how truly important it is to document our children’s lives, and what better gift to give to parents going through such a tremendously difficult time! In addition to pairing young warriors with photographers, @TheGoldHopeProject also works to raise funds for pediatric cancer research! If you want to participate with us this month, here are just a few things you can consider:
1. Tag your gold photos with the #TeamUp4GoldKids (for features) and #theGoldHopeProject (to spread awareness). You will have a chance to be featured on one of the MANY participating hubs for the month of September!
2. Go to and see how you can apply to be a registered photographer!
3. Donate! It DOES make a difference!
By using these hashtags you give all participating hubs permission to share!

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As usual, thanks so much for stopping by! I know I’m not some famous photographer or anything, and I don’t have a huge following, so I am very appreciate of the few people that stop by and read my blog. I’m honored to be apart of Share Six. I truly enjoy taking part in these monthly themes/challenges.

Continue through the blog circle by heading over to Janet’s blog by clicking HERE. You won’t want to miss her talented interpretation on this theme.

Share Six | Summer Days

This month’s theme is Summer Days. As a homeschooling mom, I very much look forward to summer. I LOVE teaching my kids, and we can have a lot of fun learning together, BUT it’s a lot of work and I look forward to a break.

As artists, we photographers often put so much effort into taking perfectly curated images,  So as a photographer, of course I love to TRY to take awesome photos of my kids….pictures that could hopefully win photography contests.  As the years have passed though, I’m finding that I want to be in the moment and not worry about lugging around my expensive camera. So the fancy pictures are few and far between. Quite honestly though, the best camera is the one you have with you.  Almost everyone has a cell phone with a decent camera on it.  So I’m finding that I tend to take most of my pictures with my cell phone.  It’s kind of a bummer as a cell phone camera limits me, but I also don’t miss lugging my nice camera around and worrying about keeping it safe. Honestly, what’s most important is documenting the moments. They don’t have to be documented perfectly, or composed so fantastically that they could win a photography contest. They just need to capture the moment.

So for this month’s theme I’m doing all cell phone images. They may not be the most artistic or perfectly composed images, but those moments got documented quickly and I was able to return to being present in the moment with my kids.

For my first image, it’s from a special moment. My daughter had the honor of being accepted to a weeklong vocal intensive camp at Belmont University in Nashville, TN. We decided to take some extra time and go down a week early to visit family in Kentucky. My sweet aunts and uncles came and watched my daughter at her final concert. That was so sweet of them and meant the world to me. So this photo documented that special day.


On our way home from that trip, we stopped in St. Louis to visit my brother and sister-in-law. We also stopped at the Arch. I took a few extra seconds to try to creatively compose a cool shot of the Arch. Would my nice camera have been better? Yep, but once again, I enjoyed not lugging it around.


This third picture is from while my daughter was at another camp and we took my son camping. It was quite an evening with two dogs in tow, but we had fun.


This next one is from when my niece and nephews were in town and we took the kids to visit some local caves. We all got pretty muddy, but we had a blast.


We also took all of the kids kayaking. My daughter prefers her stand up paddle board though and gave the kids rides around the lake on it.


One of my favorite things to do during the summer is kayak. My good friend and I love to go out kayaking and just relax and chat. Motherhood can be exhausting, so we really enjoy commiserating and just enjoying nature out on the water.


Thanks so much for stopping by!! I hope you enjoyed my images, and I hope you remember that the best camera is the one you have with you, as well as it’s more important to just document the moment rather than figure out a way to make the image magazine worthy. I think we all enjoy the candid partially out-of-focus pictures our parents have their albums just as much (if not more) as the professional ones they had taken of us. So keep that in mind. Just document each moment quickly and then live in the moment with those you love.

Head on over to Michelle’s blog and see her lovely take on this month’s theme. Be sure to continue through the circle to see all of our contributors’ interpretations!

Share Six | This is me

July’s theme is This is me. I chose the theme and my main reasoning behind it was because I thought it would be neat for everyone to get to know the Share Six contributors a little better….even ourselves.  We may all do this blog circle together, but we live all over the world and lead very busy lives, so we don’t really get to know much about each other except through our blog posts.

So here is a little about me. I live in a medium sized metropolitan area in the midwest…about 3 hours west of Chicago.  I was born and raised in this area, only spending two years away shortly after getting married. We lived in a suburb of Chicago for those two years, and moved back to be by family once my husband was given the opportunity to telecommute.

I’ve never taken the Myers-Briggs test, but from the sample tests I believe I am an INFJ or close to it. I’m kind of nerd and always have been. Good grades and good behavior were my main goals in school. So on several occasions I was called a goody two shoes. I suppose my strong-will drove me to be a rule follower.

On my Instagram account, in the “about me” section, I have listed: Child of God | Wife | Mom | Home Educator | Musician | Photographer | Lover of Life | Crunchy | Wanderlust. Those are the words/phrases that pretty much sum up who I am. So a few of my images this month will be based on those things.

The first one is an image of my husband and myself. Well, it’s of our feet. I love being the wife to my amazing husband. Marriage isn’t easy, but there is no one else I’d rather be married to.


The second image represents the fact that I am a mother. My kids (and husband) are my everything. As a child, the two things I wanted to be most were a wife and mother. So those two “jobs” are the ones I take the most seriously as well as the ones that I enjoy the most.  This picture was totally “curated”. I realized I hadn’t done a picture of the kids and me, and realized my daughter was heading out of town the next day, so I told them they needed to cuddle with me so I could get a picture. My son, being the goofball he is, kept making funny faces. Then in all of the craziness I accidentally elbowed his face while trying to get my arm under him, and this was the resulting picture.


Musician…It seems weird to say that, but I do make money playing the piano and organ. I’ve played the piano since I was 5, and started playing the organ at our church at 15 years old. So I guess I can say I am a musician.


I know I’ve mentioned before that grew up looking at my grandparents’ National Geographic magazines and I dreamed of being a photographer for NG. I’ve always loved exploring and traveling, and so the idea of traveling the world taking photographs sounded like the perfect job. I may not work for National Geographic, but I did become a photographer. (The image in the camera is not photoshopped. I wish I would have had film in the camera so I could have taken that picture, but I have a picture of that picture, so that’s next best.)


Here’s another thing about me, I LOVE a few different forms of exercise. I love biking, swimming, kayaking, weight lifting and hiking. So I decided to do an image that represents that.


This last one is one from last year. It’s our family picture I took for our Christmas card I never sent out. So yep, that’s me. I almost always have good intentions, but life gets in the way and my good intentions don’t always pan out.  This picture though is of my precious family…the ones I love so very much…the man who made me a wife and the kids who made me a mom.


Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you learned little more about me. Head on over to Elizabeth’s blog to see her talented take on this theme and to learn more about her.

Share Six | Favorite Quote

So June’s theme is our favorite quotation. I absolutely love this theme and wish I would have had more time to be more creative with it. As usual, I had a game plan, but my life is quite crazy, so I once again failed at executing my original plan.  Oh well, I may just try to do a follow up blog post for the theme.

Fun little fact (which all of you grammar nazis will already know), the word quote was originally a verb and the word quotation referred to the noun.  Apparently enough people have used quote for the noun (quotation), so it is now in the dictionary as both the noun and verb. For my OCD’s sake I have to stick with the original meanings of the words in which case our theme would be our favorite quotation.

I couldn’t choose just one quotation so I chose 7 different ones. These are all quotations that I find very inspirational. (Yes, I did say 7. I have always been a strict rule follower, which is probably due to my OCD. This is Share Six and we share SIX images on the sixth of the month, but being that some of our other contributors have often posted more than 6 pictures, AND we aren’t posting on the 6th this month, I figured I’d step out of my comfort zone and go against our “guideline” of 6 photos.)

For my first quotation I chose one from the movie Superman. When we watched the movie, it immediately stood out to me.  I just love children and I love their uniqueness. I wish we as a society would foster each child’s individuality, recognizing their unique strengths and talents, instead of trying to fit them into a box.


My next one is a pretty generic one that I think almost every person has heard, but I still love it none the less. Often times we aren’t exactly where we want to be in life, but we need to choose to rise above the circumstances and be joyful. As a Christian I see it as no matter where we are, the mission field is all around us. We can serve God by helping those around us…those right in front of us no matter whether we are located in some third world country or if we are in a wealthy neighborhood. Also, I’d like to give credit where credit is due. Apparently the Bishop of Geneva Saint Francis de Sales is credited for this quotation, but Mary Engelbreit made the phrase popular.


I am not able to find the person who said this next quotation, but it’s another great one. I think we all fall prey to feeling like we need to fit in. In this fast paced narcissistic age though, I think we need to not follow the crowd by filling our schedules with things that make ourselves happy, but instead go against the flow…slow down and notice our fellow men and women and build relationships so that we can make a change for the better.


This next one is one that has pretty much been the theme of my existence since having kids. Obviously I don’t always stay focused on it, but it is what has influenced all of my major decisions when parenting my kids.  I think family is so important, more important than any career we may have. When we are on our death bed, will we think back on our career or on our family? What will our legacy be, the career we chose or the children we raised who have the potential to make a difference in this world. This is not about not having a career, that’s all well and good, what I’m saying is, the relationships we make with our family has far more potential to better this world, than any paycheck or promotion.


Here is another one along the same lines. It’s something we struggled with for a few years. As parents it’s so hard not to want to put your kids in every extracurricular activity imaginable, but at the expense of the family, or at the expense of our sanity? Is it really worth it? Is it bettering the family unit?  A family that is united and strongly bonded together can do great things for their community. (I believe this quotation is by Lysa Terkeurst.)


This next one is one that I think is so important for us all to remember, especially in this age of social media. We often forget that people aren’t going to air their dirty laundry for all to see. Yet we live with our own piles of dirty laundry staring us straight in the face. We struggle with the stress of our daily lives. Then we log onto our social media accounts and see the perfectly curated images of people’s families and lives. The monologue in our head goes something like this, “Oh look at that picture of Suzie’s kids playing together so nicely. I wish my kids could get along.” *scroll*  “And look at Jennifer’s kitchen, it’s so perfectly clean. Why can’t I get my act together and keep my kitchen that clean?!?” *scroll*  “Really! Kathy is out on another date night with her husband.” *eyeroll*  “I wish my husband would take me out on a date.” *scroll*  “There’s Leah doing another post about her awesome workouts. Ugh! I’m such a failure. My life is so boring. What am I doing wrong?!?”


(I believe the credit for this quotation goes to Steven Furtick.  Also, this is an actual picture of my living room at this very moment. So don’t be so hard on yourself. We can’t have it all together ALL of the time.)

Guys, let me just remind you, no one’s life is perfect. Just because their Facebook and Instagram feeds may be *perfectly* curated does not mean their lives are perfect.  As I said before, no one wants to air their dirty laundry. Very few people post the nitty gritty hard stuff of life. No one posts the fighting kids, no one posts the sink full of dishes, no one posts the countless nights where the spouse has fallen asleep next to them complete with drool and snoring. No one posts about the workout they skipped along with the unhealthy meal they devoured because their day was just awful. No one posts about the extra 25 pounds they’ve gained because “they’re at that age”. (Don’t get me started on that one. That seems to be my doctor’s new excuse for any weird symptom I may have…”Well, you’re at that age.”) UGH! Guys, just take comfort in the fact that the hard days make the good ones that much better. Keep up the hard work and know that you are not alone, even if social media makes you feel like you are.

My last one is just a fun little one that I thought was fitting since this IS a photography blog circle. It also happens to be quite fitting as I have the most horrible memory. Maybe that’s why I like photography so much, because it helps me remember those moments that my brain doesn’t want to remember on its own.


Thanks so much for stopping by!! Head on over to Lynne’s blog to see her awesome interpretation on the theme!