Anyone who knows me knows that the last three months have been a long and exhausting road. My dad was hospitalized January 10 and it’s been a roller coaster ever since. I’ve watched my dad almost die 3 times. There were many days that were filled with sorrow instead of joy. For weeks I ate, slept and breathed the hospital.
Quite honestly, I have had no time to take any personal pictures other than the ones I’ve taken with my phone of my dad and his progress. I’d love to share those, but I’m not sure my dad would like that.
Over the course of these last 3 months I have had to find joy in each little victory, in every small thing that could possibly boost my spirits. From the sun shining, to my dad finally waking up from sedation, to my dad finally standing up. This is where my joy lies.
So often we get caught up in trying to find or create exciting, over-the-top situations so that we can have joy. Once tragedy strikes though, you realize what really matters in life. Nothing can replace the joy of being with a loved one.
My dad shouldn’t be alive. He truly is a miracle. I don’t understand how God works. I don’t understand His purpose, but I am so thankful for the miracles He has done. Even when things weren’t looking good, even when my dad almost died, God kept reminding me that we must be joyful. I am so thankful for each moment I have spent with him during this whole ordeal. Praying over him, stroking his hair while he was asleep and intubated, holding his hand, watching him wave for first time after waking up, hearing his voice for the first time after weeks of not being able to talk…every little moment spent with him has brought me immense joy. I’ve always tried to have the mindset of finding joy in the little things, but this experience has really reminded me just how important that is. It’s amazing how much joy you can get from a simple smile from a loved one, from the bright sun rays shining in your window, from the squeeze of your daddy’s hand.
I encourage every one of you to slow down and truly find joy in the little things. Don’t underestimate how much joy those simple things can bring you. You just might be surprised at how fulfilling life can be even if life seems mundane or even sad.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” -Romans 15:13

Head on over to Elizabeth’s blog by clicking HERE to see her amazing images!!