This month’s theme for Share Six is Pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month. This theme hits close to home for me as my mom had breast cancer when I was 5.

I don’t remember a whole lot, but I do remember being scared. As well as I have one specific memory that has stuck in my mind. We were at the hospital in the lobby and my aunt was there as well. They wouldn’t let me go see my mom, and I was not happy. I remember being quite upset as I missed my mom terribly, and I was worried something was going to happen to her and I wasn’t going to be able to say goodbye. The thought of losing her terrified me. She was my world and I needed her.
Thankfully the type of breast cancer my mom had was a slow growing cancer. We can be especially thankful for that as they had seen the mass on her two previous mammograms, but they brushed it off saying it was nothing.
Throughout the journey my mom took comfort in her faith in God. She read her bible most fervently. (Which is why I chose to do this image.) She knew that God was in control no matter the outcome.

31 years later and my mother is still here with us by the grace of God. My life could have been so much different, but I praise God that He has blessed me with all of these wonderful years with my mother. I love her so much and I still need her just as much as I did when I was 5.

Please ladies, check yourselves. Be diligent. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but I’ll say it again. Cancer is so much easier to treat if you can catch it early. Also, please don’t think you’re too young. My mother was 39 when she was finally diagnosed, so she was 37 when it was first seen on her mammogram. I also had a co-worker die at the age of 29 from breast cancer. So if you don’t know, cancer doesn’t discriminate by age. Please please please be diligent and check yourself.
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