This month’s theme is Portraits. Each month, no each day, I keep telling myself I’m going to get my act together and make time to accomplish certain things….one of them being setting aside time to really focus on our Share Six theme and stretch my skills. Well, in typical fashion, life happened. Other things came up to which I couldn’t say no. (Ok, obviously could, but I am definitely not good at telling people no.) In my defense, my computer completely bit the dust, so that has put a wrench in things. So here I am, once again scrambling to finish my Share Six post.
I have pulled pictures from previous sessions instead of going out and taking new portraits specifically for this post.
This first one is of my lovely daughter.

This next one is from a family session I did a few years ago.

This one is of my second daughter (my daughter’s good friend who also is our next door neighbor).

This spunky girl is my niece.

And this last one is of a sweet young lady from our church. I babysat her when she was real little, and I had the privilege of doing her senior portraits.

Thanks so much for stopping by!! Head on over to Michele’s blog to see her lovely images!!