Share Six | Orange/Purple

This month’s theme is in honor of Psoriatic Arthritis awareness month, which is actually in May, but we are bringing awareness to it a little early.

Sharleen chose this theme as her daughter has psoriatic arthritis. Until not too long ago, I wasn’t very familiar with this autoimmune disease, that is, until my mom was diagnosed with it.  I’m still not incredibly familiar with the intricacies of it, but I know that it can be very unpleasant.  I have seen the visible marks this disease can inflict on a person.  I have also seen the physical pain that can wreak havoc on a person because of this disease.  Joint inflammation is no joke.  Watching my mother having a hard time walking and being in so much pain is so difficult to watch.  I’ve heard patients say they often deal with people’s stares, some even having people walk away from them as they assume it is some contagious disease because of the patches on their skin.  Not everyone has the skin lesions though.  Some only have the arthritis symptoms.  If you haven’t experienced inflammation in your joints, you really have no idea what these individuals deal with on a daily basis.  Many say it’s an invisible disease.  If you know someone well with this disease though, I’m sure you are familiar with how severely it affects their life.  You can see the ups and downs…one day they may not be stiff and may be able to walk with no problems, but the next day they can have a flare and can barely get up at all.  We all need to take more time to listen to those around us and have more understanding for what each person is dealing with.  We, here at Share Six, are hoping to shed some light on some diseases/conditions that we or our loved ones are dealing with.  Our images for this month are orange and purple in recognition of psoriatic arthritis awareness.

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Thanks so much for stopping by!!  Continue on through the circle by heading over to Ceri Herd’s blog to see her amazing images!!

Share Six | Food

In honor of March being National Nutrition Month, Share Six has decided to have the theme be food.  I was quite excited about this theme for two reasons. Number one being that I’ve wanted to have a go at food photography.  Number two being that nutrition is something we have delved into very heavily for the last few years.

A few years ago we found out our son had Lyme disease, as well as had some genetic issues that were inhibiting him from processing certain foods.  His doctor advised that he only eat lean meats, fruits and vegetables.  We needed to eliminate dairy, soy, rice, corn, msg, dyes, refined sugar, among several other things. We are in this together as a family, so we all participated in the overhaul of our diet.

Fast forward two and half years and he’s still receiving treatment as his body just won’t fight it off.  He has a ton of inflammation, so the doctor advises getting a food sensitivity test done.  Low and behold he has a lot of food sensitivities.  When we had eliminated dairy, we replaced it with almond milk.  It turns out, he is highly sensitive to almonds.  So all of this time, we thought we were helping him, but instead we were still contributing to the problem.  So we have now had to eliminate some nuts, as well as some fruits and vegetables.  It’s fairly easy to eat such a strict diet when we are home, which we are very fortunate to be home most of the time.  It’s a different story when we go to events and get togethers.

Through all of this, I have learned so much about gut health, nutrition, inflammation, brain inflammation, food sensitivities, and the list goes on. It’s been a long road, and I still don’t necessarily see an end in sight, but that’s ok.  We are currently seeing improvement, so that is good.

Here are my food photos.  This first one isn’t your typical food photography shot, but I had to include it.  We vacationed in the Northwoods last summer.  We stayed in a little cabin on a lake.  We packed up our blender (for smoothies) as well as all of our healthy food.  I did make an exception though.  We had to have s’mores at the fire pit down by the lake.  So this one is of the s’more my son ate.


The rest are typical food photography shots I took in my make shift studio (i.e. the dining room table).  I had a blast with my daughter.  She is the one who did all of the fruit carving.  She is incredibly talented! I think she is hooked on making cool food displays now. I won’t complain. It’ll give me more food to photograph, and we’ll have fun together in the process.


Look at the incredible apple swan (or duck) she carved!! I am so impressed!!


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Thanks so much for stopping by!! I hope you enjoyed my images. Be sure to continue your way around the blog circle. You won’t want to miss our other contributors’ interpretations. Up next is Elizabeth Wilson. Head over to her blog to see her amazing images!!

Share Six | Bokeh

Hello there!! Can you believe it’s already December?!?! Where has the year gone? It’s that time again where we announce our new theme over at Share Six.  We are doing Bokeh again, and I was pretty excited to get out and try some different shots and techniques that I haven’t tried before. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get 6 images though, so I’m using two old images, and then the other four are ones I specifically went out and shot for this month’s theme.

For those of you who are not photographers and do not know what bokeh is….According to Wikipedia, bokeh is the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the out-of-focus parts of an image produced by a lens.  Bokeh has also been defined as “the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light”.  Being that we are so close to Christmas, I chose to go with the latter definition and use Christmas lights in my images.

Here is an image I took of my son two years ago. It’s one of my absolute favorites.


Here is another one I did for our bokeh theme two years ago.

For these next two, I decided to experiment some more with multiple exposures as well as using some off camera flash. These also happen to fit last month’s theme as well. This first one is a combination of 5 images exposed together in camera.  You would not believe how long the last image (the silhouette of my husband and I) took.  The flash behind us would not fire. I tried just about everything and even turned everything off and then back on. I don’t even remember what finally ended up working to get it to fire. I was so frustrated that I just gave up despite the fact that the image wasn’t exactly how I wanted it.


This next one is of an awesome client of mine who was more than happy to help out with only 45 minutes notice.  I was envisioning this shot and really wanted to make it happen.  This one is also 5 exposures, 4 of which were done in camera and the 5th I ended up having to join with the other 4 in photoshop.  The in camera multiple exposure had one aspect that was bothering me, so by doing it in photoshop, I could remove that distraction.


The last two are of my husband and myself.  I have to say a huge thanks to my daughter for standing guard by my camera, as my tripod has recently started to give me some problems as well.  Apparently all of my gear is giving out on me…and just in time for Christmas. *sad and frustrated sigh*

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Thanks so much for stopping by!  Continue on in the blog circle by heading over to Janet’s blog by clicking here.  You must see her lovely images!


Our Family Photos | 2018

Over the past few years I’ve really slowed down with the amount of pictures I take of our family.  Years ago, I took SO many and I am grateful for those pictures, but I found that I was living life through the lens of a camera instead of seeing it with my own eyes.  I wanted to be more present and not always have a camera in front of my face.  Besides, my kids started getting sick of me always having my camera.  They still have that frustration with my camera, so I really had to force them to go out and get these family pictures.  All of our attitudes weren’t the greatest, and the dogs were being a bit ornery, but despite all of that, I’d say we got fairly decent pictures.

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For the family picture I used my trusty tripod and the self timer.  I loved my remote that I broke, but it’s actually more funny using the self timer because I have to run back and forth.  It makes for some laughs and smiles. Although, all of the running made my scarf go awry. Oh well, I took what I could get. The fact that we even got both dogs looking is a miracle in itself, and the kids’ smiles are actually good.  I’m going to call it a win.


Well thanks so much for stopping by!!

I Still Do | A Legacy of Love | The Weavers

I’m finally getting around to blogging these pictures almost 4-1/2 years after the fact.  These pictures came about after visiting my grandpa in the Alzheimer’s unit of the nursing home.  Several times out there I noticed this sweet couple.  The husband would come to visit and feed his wife lunch.  One afternoon while feeding my grandpa, I witnessed this intimate little moment, and quietly snapped a photo with my phone, tears running down my cheeks.

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I couldn’t get my mind off of this couple and the deep love they shared.  I asked my mom if she knew anything about them since she went out there almost every day.  She knew exactly who I was talking about, so I asked her if she thought they’d mind if I came and took a few photos of them.  I really thought it would be nice for them and their family to have some pictures of their deep connection.  My mom thought they would and encouraged me to talk to Mr. Weaver.  So I did.  He happily agreed, and so I met up with him out there one day over the lunch hour.  I quietly watched them as they went about their routine and just took pictures of them, hoping to capture the beautiful love I saw.

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Those of you with friends or family members dealing with Alzheimer’s disease know how horrible it can be.  You watch helplessly as the person you once knew becomes someone completely different.  Sometimes you are blessed with a few moments in which the fog has cleared, but more often than not, you’re interacting with the shell of the person who was once there.  Years ago, I remember visiting my Grandpa Schumaker.  Sometimes he would remember us, and sometimes he wouldn’t.  Even within one visit, within minutes, he’d go from knowing us, to living back in the past.  It’s heart wrenching.  Then we went through the whole thing again with my Grandpa Starofsky.

So as I watched Mr. Weaver, I was in awe of his patience and kindness while feeding his wife.  She struggled at times and even got frustrated, but there was nothing but love and admiration for her in his eyes.  He spoke to her softly and tenderly.

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And then there are the hands.  I love photographing hands.  Think of all of the things your hands do over the course of your life time.  Looking at their hands, I imagined years of hard work and yet years of lovingly holding each others hands, facing the world together.

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Years after the vows have been said, the honeymoon only a distant memory, and yet look at the way Mr. Weaver still looks at his wife.  He absolutely adores her.  I could see it in the way he looked at her, the way he tenderly touched her, the way he patiently fed her, the way he lovingly embraced her, and how he faithfully came to feed her lunch whether she knew who he was or not.  Guys, that’s what “I do” means.  For better, for worse, in sickness and in health….these two didn’t let the trials and troubles of life destroy their marriage.  As I watched Mr. Weaver choose to love his wife when she would possibly give nothing in return, I was in awe.  I can’t even imagine losing your spouse to Alzheimer’s.  What a legacy of love though that he faithfully loved his wife, giving her all of his love and admiration, expecting nothing in return.  I’m sitting here crying as I write this because my grandparents, parents and in-laws have all lived the example of a self sacrificing love in their marriages.  I hope that I can do the same in mine.

In these last photos, just look at Mr. Weaver’s love for his wife.  I chatted with him about her, and he talked about her like a giddy young man madly in love.  All he could say were good things about her.  Being that it’s been 4 years since that conversation, I don’t remember a whole lot of details from it, but there is one thing I do.  He said (not verbatim, but to the best of my recollection), “She was a singer…I mean, not a professional singer, but she had a lovely voice and would sing while she worked around the house.  I would stand at the bottom of the stairs and just listen to her singing upstairs.”  His eyes just gleamed as he talked about her and their life together.

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Once Mr. Weaver finished feeding her lunch and just sitting enjoying each other’s company, he wheeled her back to her room as he did each day, and then proceeded to climb in bed with her and hold her. I didn’t take any pictures of those precious moments, and maybe he didn’t even mind and I should have, but I didn’t want to intrude on such an intimate and special time.


As a photographer, I feel incredibly honored to be chosen to document the special moments in my clients’ lives.  I hope the images I capture will be passed down to generation after generation, allowing future generations to see through a window into the lives of those who left the legacy of love to them.  Thank you for stopping by and reading my post!  I hope you enjoyed these images as much as I did capturing them.

The Hall Ladies

I had the privilege of photographing these lovely ladies a few weeks ago.  They are actually our neighbors as well.  So I’ve had the joy of watching them (the daughters) grow into the lovely ladies they are.  Even though they are all grown up, I’ll still think of them as the cute little girls playing around the neighborhood.  My how time flies!

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I had a lot of fun hanging out with them for this session, even if the sun was blindingly bright and the wind was messing with their beautiful long hair.  I look forward to seeing the paths that each of these girls chooses.  They have very bright futures ahead of them.

Thanks so much for stopping by!!

Share Six | Silhouette

This month’s theme is Silhouette.  I planned on actually orchestrating some silhouette pictures with off camera flash, but while on our vacation back in August, the sunsets on the lake created the perfect opportunity for some great silhouette shots.  So I decided to take advantage of that opportunity.  I may still execute some plans I had in my head, but for my blog post on the theme, these are the shots I chose.







Thanks so much for stopping by!! I hope you enjoyed my images. Continue on in the circle by heading on over to Kathy’s blog to see her amazing interpretation. These ladies here at Share Six never cease to amaze me!

M & M

Well another year has passed and I had the privilege of photographing Miss M’s birthday photos.  I can’t believe she is 7!!  Her older sister (I’ll refer to as Big Sis M), who she looks just like, was turning 13, so we took some portraits of her as well.  My how time flies.  These girls have grown up so much!!

We started the session with a few shots of Big Sis M with one of her favorite hobbies…reading.  We incorporated her favorite book series.  I can’t believe how much she’s grown up!  And she’s so mature!!

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We continued the ongoing theme of incorporating something rainbow.  This year it was a rainbow umbrella and a “paint” splattered dress.  What a cutie!!



Look at that beautiful smile!IMG_4220_web

And that laugh!IMG_4229_web

I love how big sister incorporated some Disney things!!  Our families share a common love of Disney.

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We finished up the session with some pictures with the hoop swing I made.  I was a bit unsure how it was all going to work out, but it turned out pretty well.  These girls are just so darn gorgeous!!

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My goodness she’s gorgeous!!

After walking back to our cars, Miss M said she wanted pictures in front of the lilac bushes.  We took a few there.  For years everyone has said how much Miss M looks like Big Sis M.  Seeing the two side by side in the same picture, you’ll see the resemblance.  It’s incredible!


Oh and I had to include a goofy one.


Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed the pictures!  I know I enjoyed taking them,  These girls are so much fun!!

Share Six | Abstract

June’s theme over at Share Six is abstract.  Those of you who know me personally as a photographer know that I am a portrait photographer.  This is what I love though about being part of a photography group that does themed challenges like this.  This group of gals is constantly stretching me and helping me grow.  If you are a photographer and haven’t taken part in these monthly challenges or any other challenges, I highly encourage you to do so.  You will find that it’s very fun and you learn a lot, therefore your skills improve.

As I said, abstract is not something I’ve really even dabbled in.  So I was really racking my brain trying to figure out what I was going to photograph.  It dawned on my that I could use intentional camera movement to make ordinary objects become abstract.  I haven’t even really played with intentional camera movement either, but what better time than now?

For my first image, I waited until later in the evening.  I knew because of using a slow shutter speed I’d need less light.  I pointed my camera up at some trees.  When I pushed the shutter button, I twisted my camera creating the swirl.


For my next image, I just pointed at some grass (still in the evening when it was getting dark) and moved the camera a bit as I pressed the shutter.


For my third image, I actually shot it during the middle of a bright sunny day.  I pointed up at a tree. I shot at ISO 100 and f/29 and 1/2 sec. shutter speed.  I used my 28-135 and started wide, but zoomed as I pressed the shutter.


My fourth image was the same technique.  This was a picture of the pond behind our yard.  This is one of my favorites of the set. Who knew I’d like intentional camera movement and zooming so much?


For my last two, I waited until after dark and headed to the carnival/fair that happens to be in town right now.  I wanted to do some light painting, and I once again used a slow shutter speed and intentional camera movement.

For this first one, I just left the shutter open and moved my camera all around.


For this second one, I held the camera still for a second so I could get the ferris wheel somewhat defined, then moved the camera in a wave pattern.IMG_4587_web

I hope you enjoyed my interpretation on the theme abstract.  I have to say, I had a lot of fun playing around getting these images.  I hope you will too! Get out and have fun creating art!  First though, continue through our circle to see Janet’s blog.  You won’t be disappointed!


Share Six | Urban

This month’s theme is urban. I live in the Midwest in a community of a few cities which are surrounded ultimately by miles and miles of farms. We don’t necessarily have what I would call a big city feeling to our communities, but urban ultimately means “of or relating to city”. So I guess it doesn’t matter the size of the city.

My first picture is of my boy on the sky bridge here in the Quad Cities.  For those of you not familiar with the Quad Cities, the sky bridge is one of our iconic landmarks.


My second image is a double exposure of my son and part of the Davenport skyline (mainly the skybridge).


My third and fourth images are of my girl during a session we did downtown.  She wanted more of an urban feel for her pictures.



I had to include a picture I recently took while we were downtown Chicago.  Most people will recognize this iconic location.


And last, and quite possibly least, LOL, is an image that I think accurately depicts urban areas, or at least our urban area here in the QC.  You wouldn’t be in the urban areas without being surrounded by construction.  I thought I’d end with a bit of humor.  This is obviously not a very artistic image, but it depicts our urban area we live in.


Continue though our blog circle by heading over to Janet’s blog to see her amazing images!!  You won’t be disappointed!