Hanna’s Senior Session

I had the privilege of photographing Hanna for her senior portraits.  I’ve known this young woman her entire life.  I even babysat her a few times when she was little.  Her family is very dear to us as I have also known her parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles my entire life.  They feel like family to me.

It’s been so fun to watch Hanna grow into the beautiful young woman she is.  She is beautiful both inside and out.  She is also incredibly smart and talented.

I had a blast doing her session.  She drove us around her grandparents’ farm on their gator…her friend beside her in the front and my husband (my assistant) and I in the back with my equipment.  What a fun ride.  Talk about a dream session.  The farm offered wonderful backdrops!!  Here are some of my favorites from her session.0018_web 0046_web 0079_web 0072_web 0066_web 0050_web 0010_web 0008_web

Hope you enjoyed these pictures!  If you or someone you know will be a high school senior this coming school year, it’s time to start thinking about senior portraits.  Head over to my website for info and pricing, and feel free to call if you have any questions!