Share Six | Black and White

This month I chose the theme and as I’m sure you’ve seen, it is “Black and White”. I LOVE color…the color of gorgeous spring flowers, the color of the sunset, the color of rows of paint sample cards at the store. There is something about black and white though. All of the distractions are stripped away and the focus becomes narrowed onto your subject. For some reason, black and white photos seem to evoke more feeling.

Yesterday I came across a quotation by Ted Grant that fits perfectly for this theme – “When you photograph people in colour you photograph their clothes.  But when you photograph people in B&W, you photograph their souls.”

Here are my images for this month’s theme. I decided to photograph a variety of things, hoping to stretch myself to find emotion in each “subject” I photograph.

This first picture was taken at our local baseball team’s game that our daughter sang the national anthem for. Later in the game, we decided to walk the perimeter of the park and I decided to try to get a picture of the bridge even though I had no tripod.  I was surprised to see that it turned out better than I expected.


Here is my son having fun running through a tunnel we found.IMG_1240bw_web

Music, specifically playing the piano, was my first passion.  I would play for hours on end growing up. I think the insides of pianos are a work of art, so it only seemed fitting to capture the beauty that lies within this wonderful instrument.IMG_1547bw_web

Flowers. As I mentioned above, I love flowers.  I hope to someday live on some land and have a big field of wildflowers.  Not only are they gorgeous in color, but they are pretty stunning in black and white too.IMG_1554bw_web

Here is my daughter.  We did an impromptu photo shoot by a gorgeous patch of flowers. The sunlight was bothering her poor eyes, but she was such a good sport!

And here is my son.  He is my goofy, jokester boy, who is also so sweet and sensitive.  I made him stand for a shot and he flashed me this look.  I think he was trying to get a rise out of me and was waiting for me to ask him to smile, but I didn’t.  I actually loved this expression and thought it was great.IMG_1612bw_crop_web

Thanks so much for stopping by and seeing my take on this month’s theme.  Head on over to Sarah’s blog and see her take on the theme.  Don’t forget to click through to all of our contributor’s pages and leave them some love.  We look forward to seeing all of your images on our Facebook page and Instagram page!

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