Share Six | Shooting Through

Another month has passed.  I’m afraid to blink or I may miss the rest of the year.  Is it just me, or is time perpetually speeding up?  I’m not sure when I stepped on this merry-go-round of life, but someone please help me off!!

With it being October now, it’s time for a new Share Six theme.  It has been chosen, and it is – shooting through.

This first image is of my friend’s daughter.  She is absolutely adorable and has an awesome personality!!  They were in town over the summer visiting from Arizona.  I asked my friend if I could photograph her daughter, and she obliged.  Miss L was being super cute hiding from me in the field of flowers.  As she was peeking through them, I thought it was the cutest thing and had to grab a few shots of her.  What a cutie!!


This next one is from a session I did years ago.  This little guy just wanted to play, so I went with the flow and shot through the slide.  I was worried at first with the sun being so bright and him being backlit, but the inside of the slide worked as a natural reflector.  I just love his little fingers and his tongue sticking out too.


This image is from an engagement session I did last spring.  During this part of the session we were in the botanical center, and I wanted to give the feeling that we were immersed in the jungle.  So I had them stand among some branches.  Then I shot through some other branches as well.  This couple is just stellar!!  They are so in love with each other and it showed in every image.


This next image is one I took on our vacation.  After doing our water theme a few months back, I’ve become a bit obsessed with underwater pictures.  We stayed in a little cabin on a lake, and my son spent the majority of the time in the water.  So naturally I decided to get some shots “shooting through” the water.


We recently participated in a special event at our local zoo – “Breakfast With The Monkeys”.  After that was done, we were given admission to the rest of the zoo for the remainder of the day.  One of my favorite animals is the fox.  I just think they are absolutely beautiful.  I tried my best to get a few shots, but with people constantly hovering, and the low light making it hard to grab a quick shot, I only got about 4 decent shots.  This one immediately stood out to me because it looks as if his head is popping out of the glass.  Apparently I caught him at the right spot where there was nothing reflecting in the glass in front of him.


My last image I shot through one of my piano books.  I saw a similar shot a few years back and wanted to replicate it with my own music and piano so it would have personal meaning to me.


I hope I’ve given you a nice variety of “shooting through” images.  It’s not something I naturally think to do when composing a shot, but I’m really going to try to do it more often.  It can definitely create a very neat effect!

Head on over to Sharleen’s blog to see her amazing interpretation!! As usual, I am honored to be a part of this talented group of ladies.  They motivate me to think outside the box and try harder to improve my skills.

Also, don’t forget to make your way through the entire blog circle, and then go out and get some of your own shots and share them on our FB page or on Instagram using the hashtags #sharesix #sharesix_shootingthrough

Thanks so much for stopping by!!!



5 Replies to “Share Six | Shooting Through”

  1. Beautiful selection Katherine, I love that you to chose to showcase a variety of ‘shooting through’ images to give everyone food for thought.

  2. What unique ways you have found to frame the subjects by shooting through! The sheet music with the piano keys is my favorite as it is not only incredibly creative but also meaningful to my musical family. <3

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