Share Six | This is me

July’s theme is This is me. I chose the theme and my main reasoning behind it was because I thought it would be neat for everyone to get to know the Share Six contributors a little better….even ourselves.  We may all do this blog circle together, but we live all over the world and lead very busy lives, so we don’t really get to know much about each other except through our blog posts.

So here is a little about me. I live in a medium sized metropolitan area in the midwest…about 3 hours west of Chicago.  I was born and raised in this area, only spending two years away shortly after getting married. We lived in a suburb of Chicago for those two years, and moved back to be by family once my husband was given the opportunity to telecommute.

I’ve never taken the Myers-Briggs test, but from the sample tests I believe I am an INFJ or close to it. I’m kind of nerd and always have been. Good grades and good behavior were my main goals in school. So on several occasions I was called a goody two shoes. I suppose my strong-will drove me to be a rule follower.

On my Instagram account, in the “about me” section, I have listed: Child of God | Wife | Mom | Home Educator | Musician | Photographer | Lover of Life | Crunchy | Wanderlust. Those are the words/phrases that pretty much sum up who I am. So a few of my images this month will be based on those things.

The first one is an image of my husband and myself. Well, it’s of our feet. I love being the wife to my amazing husband. Marriage isn’t easy, but there is no one else I’d rather be married to.


The second image represents the fact that I am a mother. My kids (and husband) are my everything. As a child, the two things I wanted to be most were a wife and mother. So those two “jobs” are the ones I take the most seriously as well as the ones that I enjoy the most.  This picture was totally “curated”. I realized I hadn’t done a picture of the kids and me, and realized my daughter was heading out of town the next day, so I told them they needed to cuddle with me so I could get a picture. My son, being the goofball he is, kept making funny faces. Then in all of the craziness I accidentally elbowed his face while trying to get my arm under him, and this was the resulting picture.


Musician…It seems weird to say that, but I do make money playing the piano and organ. I’ve played the piano since I was 5, and started playing the organ at our church at 15 years old. So I guess I can say I am a musician.


I know I’ve mentioned before that grew up looking at my grandparents’ National Geographic magazines and I dreamed of being a photographer for NG. I’ve always loved exploring and traveling, and so the idea of traveling the world taking photographs sounded like the perfect job. I may not work for National Geographic, but I did become a photographer. (The image in the camera is not photoshopped. I wish I would have had film in the camera so I could have taken that picture, but I have a picture of that picture, so that’s next best.)


Here’s another thing about me, I LOVE a few different forms of exercise. I love biking, swimming, kayaking, weight lifting and hiking. So I decided to do an image that represents that.


This last one is one from last year. It’s our family picture I took for our Christmas card I never sent out. So yep, that’s me. I almost always have good intentions, but life gets in the way and my good intentions don’t always pan out.  This picture though is of my precious family…the ones I love so very much…the man who made me a wife and the kids who made me a mom.


Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you learned little more about me. Head on over to Elizabeth’s blog to see her talented take on this theme and to learn more about her.

4 Replies to “Share Six | This is me”

  1. Thanks for choosing this theme – loved getting to know you through you words and images. The ones you chose really capture so many special aspects of you so beautifully! <3

  2. Katherine, I love how you have shared so many aspects of your life. The first image is so cute, I love it, and the second image with your children is so emotive. What a wonderful family pic. I loved learning about you this month.

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